January 10, 2010

So Busy - So Blessed.

Well...it's been a while...again, since we've really posted. It's hard to make time to blog with two kids essentially under one year of age. The chaos is joyful, and yet again God has shown us that His plan for us is more fruitful than our own ever would be.
X-man has been with us for four months now - and in any other situation we would keep him here forever - but he has two brothers that are anxiously awaiting his move into their foster home. We are frustrated that it is taking the court this long to get him transitioned into the home with his brothers. The longer he is with us is the stronger his attachment to us - making it more difficult for him when it is time for his move. I know the time is getting closer that he'll leave, and it is bringing back bitter-sweet memories of the same feelings we had when the girls were going. It's difficult letting little ones go - harder than with older kids. There is no way for us to explain to X-man why he is moving, or that we love him more than he knows. To him, I am his mother. And one day soon I'll be gone. It is one of the hardest parts of fostering.
He is growing and changing so much. Very, very soon he will be walking. This week he started saying words - baa (ball), baee (bye), haaad (hat). He is better able to communicate with us all the time and it is incredible to see him learn. He is such a happy boy and sweeter than ever. We're crazy about him.
Sylvia turned 3 months this week! She is making LOTS of noise. She found her voice and is very fond of using it. She sounds distinctly like a dying cat most of the time. But it is a cute dying cat. She is also able to control her hands enough to play with hanging toys and to put toys in her mouth. She's growing and changing so fast it's hard to keep up, but it is such a joy! I enjoy each new day with her, and cannot wait to watch her grow up! She's beautiful and the apple of her daddy's eye. She definitely recognizes Brian and I now, which is also very cool as parents.

Growth and change - kind of the theme of the Popp household. So many blessings and so much joy. I love being a Mommy more than anything. God is good.

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