October 8, 2010


(To the post below)

I kid you not,

not two hours after I posted, Brian (my incredible, salesman-ish, get people to tell you what you want to know husband), by the grace of God, somehow figured out what school Cassandra is currently attending!!!

On top of that, he called the school – and they were actually helpful!  I know what your thinking, “Get. Out.  The school was helpful?” ….yes.  They were.  Praise God!

Brian explained the whole situation, and they offered to have the school translator call the kids’ uncle to let him know that we were trying to get a hold of him, explain what happened, and have him call us.



Well, as soon as he heard that we were trying to get in touch, he called us right away!  It was a fast move – but everything is fine.  He apologized to Brian for not having called us yet – I was just thinking, “I’m so glad you’re still in the United States!  Thank you God!”  Anyway, we got all caught up on addresses and phone numbers (which is really pretty difficult when you speak different languages).

Also, we get to hang out with the four kiddos tomorrow.  Talk about a change of emotions – I can’t explain how thankful I am.  Thank you God for answering prayer!  My parents are also in town and it will be the first time they have seen the kids since they left our house.


Thank you for your prayers!


  1. Praise God!! SO excited you get to see your sweet kids tomorrow!

  2. So exciting! I was so happy to see this post. Enjoy your time with them:)

  3. Thank you, God. Thank you! :) Maggie, I'm so happy to read this update. Enjoy your weekend with *all* your girls! :)


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